Sunday, September 12, 2010


The below poem has recieved a lot of negative reviews, I think I'll need to look into re- writing this

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Contest entry Crimson Twilight

Mask of terror
A once pretty face, hides it’s terrible fate
Dark terror seen in eyes of baby blue
Red weils still sting after all these years

Her revenge was sweet planned over many years
The deal she had to make sealed her fate
Her victims knew nothing, revenge, for a baby out of the blue

The sun drenched field,framed by skys of blue
This was to be her fate after all these years
As the knife sinks deeper, She remembers her child, to die her fate

To suffer this welcome fate under blue skies after all these years

This week

This week in WDC's ( Birthday. as part of this there are a number of contests running. I have select to do a 10 line poem with the following prompt. King of Parties.

As I said earlier this is a great site.. please come get involved. The other great thing about the site is that it is free.

The other contest I will be entering is the Crimson Twilight poetry contest this is a monthly contest, the prompt this month is a masked girl in a sun drenched field.